• Question: Do you think that humans will keep on evolving forever or will there be a point where we start 'deevolving'??

    Asked by to Ben, Emily, Hattie, Jemma on 25 Jun 2014. This question was also asked by .
    • Photo: Emily Hayward

      Emily Hayward answered on 25 Jun 2014:

      Good question Nicecube26!

      I think we will always subtully evolve, like generally we will be taller than our parents, and our parents are taller than our grandparents etc…..although I seem to have “deevolved” as both of my parents are taller than me! Also I think as we know things and understand things better in science thats sort of an evolution of our brains and knowledge…..I think there is so much we still dont know and therefore I think we’ll keep evolving in the sense of knowing more for a while longer 🙂

    • Photo: Jemma Rowlandson

      Jemma Rowlandson answered on 25 Jun 2014:


      Nice question 🙂 we will certainly keep evolving so long as humans are around, but it’s a very slow process. It will take hundreds of thousands of years before you will be able to see a big difference between humans of today and humans of the future.

      A lot of scientists believe we will grow taller, between 6ft and 7ft. Modern humans are already about 10cm taller than people who lived only 150 years ago. Imagine what another few thousand years could do! Another prediction is that as people all over the world interact more and more, we will evolve so everyone has similar skin and hair colour.

      Devolving is an interesting point. It’s still evolution but it’s just evolution that makes us worse off. Scientists predict this certainly could happen. The big one is that our immune systems could weaken if we rely on medicines too much to keep us healthy. Another one is that if we rely too much on technology then our bodies will become much weaker.

      It’s a really interesting question, and I wish I could time travel forwards a few hundred thousand years to see what we end up looking like 🙂

    • Photo: Ben Butler

      Ben Butler answered on 25 Jun 2014:

      Love this question nicecube26!

      This a really tricky one to answer! Natural selection which drove evolution in the past (survival of the fittest) doesn’t have the same effect nowadays because we no longer have to fear being eaten by predators, and lots of diseases can now be cured with drugs!

      As Jemma rightly pointed out, humans are generally getting taller, but this is thought to be due to changes in our diet so do you think this counts as evolution?

      Devolution is an interesting thing to think about! Personally, I think that in years to come, our bodies will actually being to ‘devolve’ as we become more reliant on technology and therefore not as fit. However I think our brains will continue to evolve and discover new amazing things!
