• Question: Do you work by yourself or in a group when researching?

    Asked by to Ben, Emily, Hattie, Jemma, Veronica on 13 Jun 2014. This question was also asked by , .
    • Photo: Ben Butler

      Ben Butler answered on 13 Jun 2014:

      Scientists like to work in teams called ‘research groups’. No matter how clever one scientist is, there will always be something that they don’t understand or aren’t very good at!

      Having a good team of people with lots of different skills is the best way to work. For example, in my group we have someone that’s brilliant at making and fixing things, someone else who nearly knows everything about seawater (but isn’t very good at fixing things), someone else who is amazing at writing… and then me!

    • Photo: Jemma Rowlandson

      Jemma Rowlandson answered on 15 Jun 2014:

      Both! Almost all scientists have a research group. Everyone in your group tends to research similar things. Everyone in my group for example is looking at different ways of storing lots of hydrogen gas in as smaller space as possible.

      Everyone in a group however has their own individual project which they are responsible for. All the projects are different, as there’s no point in researching the same thing twice!

      My project for example is looking at a specific material and seeing how much hydrogen gas it soaks up. One of my friends is doing a different project and is looking at what would happen if you put my material in a car. So although the projects are different they link together quite nicely.

      My group also works closely with another group researching hydrogen storage. It’s important to know what everyone is doing and because we are all doing similar things there’s always someone to help if you get stuck.

    • Photo: Harriet Aitken

      Harriet Aitken answered on 15 Jun 2014:

      I work in a lab where there are lots of other scientists, we aren’t working on the same things but it’s nice to have people around to help out if you get stuck.

      Sometimes people who might not exactly work on the same type of research as you can have really great ideas that you maybe would not have thought of which is why it is fantastic to work alongside other scientists.

    • Photo: Emily Hayward

      Emily Hayward answered on 16 Jun 2014:

      The research I do I work by myself on, however there are other people who also work in the lab doing similar research but on slightly different projects. As a scientist you can do either depending what suits you best – some people like to work themselves and others in groups. I like workin with other people so I’m gad to be in a shared office and lab even though I’m the only person working on the exact thing I do – but even then I can talk to others about it and ask them questions if I dont understand whats happening and we can try to figure it out together 🙂

    • Photo: Veronica Celorrio

      Veronica Celorrio answered on 17 Jun 2014:

      I work in a “research group” where we all do related things but slightly different. We do have group meetings once a week, where one of us give a presentation about his/her research and discuss the problems he/she is had. Then, we all together try to find a solution or make suggestions
