• Question: hi, why are scars darker than your original skin colour?

    Asked by to Ben, Emily, Hattie, Jemma, Veronica on 24 Jun 2014. This question was also asked by .
    • Photo: Emily Hayward

      Emily Hayward answered on 24 Jun 2014:

      Great question Taranjit123!

      I think its because the body used more fibouous material in healing wounds therefore scars appear different from the rest of your skin. I’m no expert in this field so cant give you a more detailed answer, sorry!

    • Photo: Jemma Rowlandson

      Jemma Rowlandson answered on 24 Jun 2014:


      Scars are darker because they are made of a different skin tissue. When you cut or graze your skin your body patches it up as quickly as possible. This is to prevent any bacteria getting into your wound, and also to stop you bleeding everywhere.

      As your skin has to heal a wound quickly normal skin tissue can not be used, because it grows too slowly. Instead very strong and fast growing skin tissue, called ‘fibrous tissue’ is used instead.

      Normal skin contains special cells which give your skin it’s colour, and protect it from the Sun’s UV rays. Scar tissue does not contain any of these special cells. This means it’s always either lighter or darker than your normal skin colour, and does not tan in the Sun.
